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Did You Know?

Jesus was notorious for hanging out with sinners.  After all, that’s who he came to save.

In Matthew 9:9-13, the Pharisees gave Jesus grief for having dinner with tax collectors, who were thought to be the lowest of the low in the culture of that time period.  Jesus’ challenge to the religious leaders was for them to go back and read Hosea 6:6 and learn what it means.

Jesus is saying to them that our mission should be to love those far from him by demonstrating mercy.  We should also know that God isn’t as interested in us observing religious rituals or traditions as much as he is in us getting to know him.  The second half of the verse in Hosea says, “I want you to know me more than I want burnt offerings.”

If we’re not careful, as Christians, we can get so caught up in performing for God that we don’t even know who he is anymore.  God’s ultimate goal for his children is for us to get to know him.  When we make that our number one desire, the rest will take care of itself!

T. J.

Categories: Growth, Leadership
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